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Declined charges
If your credit card was declined, it is most likely because of an AVS or address verification issue. If you received an order number, BUT your credit card was declined, you DO NOT have an order. Please email us at our support website, http://www.877trainride.com/support.htm, with the order number...
Local attractions
 Please follow this link to see all of Phillipsburg's wonderful attractions! http://www.visitnj.org/nj/phillipsburg/attractions Another very good attraction for children very close by (less than 5 minutes from our location) is the Crayola Experience (formerly Crayola Crayon Factory)! Check out...
Please follow this link to view the hotels that we have personally stayed at and recommend! Plus, some of them have some great deals or offers through our website :) http://www.877trainride.com/hotels.htm
Please follow this link to see all of the great restaurants in the area that we have personally eaten at and recommend! http://www.877trainride.com/restaurants.htm